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America is Built
on a Firm

Have you been looking for documented
truth about our nation’s history?

Do you support Christian ideals of
freedom in America?

Do you struggle knowing where to start
looking for answers?

We’ll help you discover the intent of our
Founding Fathers regarding freedom, justice,
and equality.

Many “academics” deliberately ignore, change, and revise the facts of
history in order to better suit their own agendas. Truth is constantly
becoming harder to find. We’re here to help.

The information we share does not rely on “expert opinions” but on the
actual historical documents. We cite the original sources in all our

The Path to Truth is Clear

Learn the
American Story

Find Indisputable

Know and Discern
the Truth

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A Word From Our

David Barton | Founder

Tim Barton | President

We care about the future of freedom in America.

Many Americans don’t understand the Christian foundation of our nation. Through original source documents, we strive to reveal the historical truths about our Founding Fathers’ faith and the religious principles they established. We are driven to equip people to discover this truth with documents and artifacts from the first 400+ years of US history.

The service we provide is not a reaction to today’s political climate. We’ve worked to share and defend the truth since the 1980s.

Our explanation of truth comes from the historical writings and documents themselves.

We have access to one of the largest private collections of United States historical documents and we want to share them with you.


Explore the various WallBuilder events, and come join us to learn more about America's heritage! Click below for more information..

Restore America's
Biblical Foundation

Learn the truth about our nation’s Godly heritage today!

Find Your Path

Understand America’s forgotten history

Feel confident talking about current issues

Know where to find historical records


Curriculum recommendations, resources, and access to original documents.


Clear strategy advice, conferences, legislative positioning, and voter guides.


Conferences, year-round church teaching, books, and semi-annual pastor briefings.


Historical documents, helpful articles, videos, books, games, and much more!

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