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Your prayers on our behalf are indeed the foundation of this ministry. In fact, we consider prayer so important that we actually have staff members whose sole responsibility is to pray! God has been exceedingly gracious to us, and it is by His goodness that WallBuilders succeeds. Nevertheless, we are constantly in need of God’s blessing and help in all of our endeavors, from insight into current issues and events, to having favor with legislators and other public leaders as we seek to educate and enlighten with Biblical truth.

Spread the word
You can help extend our message by sharing the materials we have produced. Many of those resources can be found and used for free right here on our website! But you can also help us spread the truth by shopping at our online store and distributing the products you purchase to family, friends, and public leaders. Quantity discounts may be available, just call or email us for details.
Financial gifts
WallBuilder Presentations, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that depends on tax-deductible gifts from interested individuals like you. Whether you make a special gift or become one of our monthly supporters, your financial partnership is vital to our ministry and is greatly appreciated. To become involved in this ministry financially, simply click the link below.

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