WHEREAS, Oregon has been richly blessed in unsurpassed beauty and natural resources; and
WHEREAS, our country, our state, our communities and our families face difficult challenges in these changing and uncertain days; and
WHEREAS, the Christian faith has been recognized and historically documented as a foundational influence of the formation, structure and culture of this great nation and this state, revealed in its institutions, universities, hospitals, churches and charitable organizations; and
WHEREAS, it is important that our children learn the complete history of our nation and of our state, including Christian history, from the establishment of our nation to the present date; and
WHEREAS, the observance of Christian Heritage Week encourages Americans to affirm the nation’s spiritual roots and to enlist prayer for local, state and national leaders; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROB DRAKE, MAYOR, of the City of Beaverton do hereby proclaim the week of November 19 through November 25, 1995, as
in the City of Beaverton and encourage citizens to join in this observance.
Rob Drake, Mayor
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