City of Westminster
November 19-25, 2000
WHEREAS, the week of Thanksgiving is an appropriate time to center attention on our thanks to God for His blessings and for the Christian faith, which is a part of America’s great history; and
WHEREAS, the Westminster City Council is proud of the numerous cultures woven through the rich fabric of our community; and
WHEREAS, in America, people of many cultures are free to practice their own religion; and
WHEREAS, in American history, Christians have shaped a moral culture; and
WHEREAS, the first Thanksgiving Proclamation was declared on June 20, 1676, by the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, as they expressed thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established; and
WHEREAS, following the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln spoke these words, declaring the modern day observance of Thanksgiving Day: “ I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that I, Frank G. Fry, Mayor of the City of Westminster, on behalf of Mayor Pro Tem Margie L. Rice and City Council Members, Tony Lam, Kermit Marsh and Joy L. Neugebauer, do hereby proclaim November 19-25, 2000 as
In the City of Westminster, California, and urges all citizens to observe this week by joining members of all faiths and creeds in seeking divine guidance for ourselves, our leaders and our country.
DATED: November 15, 2000
Frank G. Fry, Mayor
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