One of the unique and overlooked parts of our national capitol is the Congressional Prayer Room. This room was opened in 1954, the same year in which Congress added the phrase “under God” to the pledge of allegiance. In front of the chapel is an inspired stained-glass window portraying George Washington kneeling in prayer. Around the widow is the scripture Psalm 16:1 declaring, “Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my trust.” This verse remains an inspiration to Congressional leaders today.
Most citizens are unaware that every week Congress is in session, as votes begin, dozens of congressional Members meet in Room 219 of the Capitol (directly across from the House Chamber) to join together in extended prayer for the country. In 2005, a small group of members of the U.S. House of Representatives gathered to begin praying for our nation to return to its Judeo-Christian principles. Today, these meetings have grown to include more then 50 members who still meet to pray about important Congressional issues. The Prayer Caucus has been bold in defending religious liberties and public religious expressions, including at the Washington Monument, the Capitol Visitor Center, veterans’ funeral ceremonies, and many other areas where officials had ordered the removal of public acknowledgments of God. With the many attacks on our Godly Congressmen and women it is important to recognize these Godly leaders who boldly stand for truth on the front lines.
There are a number of ways you can support this important group!
God commands us in Scripture to pray for those in authority over us. I Timothy 2:1-2 states, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority.”
The Prayer Caucus invites Americans across the nations to join them in prayer. A list of Prayer Caucus members is available so you may pray for each member specifically.
Sign up for The Prayer Caucus’ Newsletter. You can also follow them on social network sites, such as X and Facebook, to stay informed about upcoming issues facing our nation and how you can be a part of this movement!
Spread the Word
As an individual you have the most influence on your friends and family! You are in a position to have a real impact on the course our country takes, so exercise your voice and share with your loved ones about those standing for righteousness on the national level!
Because we live in a world that is quick to focus on the negative, we are often unaware of the many positive movements in our nation and begin to disparage. Let’s take this opportunity to celebrate some of the many good things our leaders are doing and actively join them in our fight to promote and preserve America’s Judeo-Christian principles!
God Bless!
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