Written on the back of hotel stationary, this is the hand-written version of the prayer that Dwight Eisenhower prayed before giving his 1953 Inaugural address.

Almighty God,
As we stand here, at this moment, my associates in the Executive Branch of government join me in beseeching that Thou will make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people in this throng and their fellow citizens everywhere.
Give us, we pray, the power to discern clearly right from wrong and allow all our words and actions to be governed thereby and by the laws of this land.
Especially we pray that our concern shall be for all the people, regardless of station, race or calling. May cooperation be permitted and be the mutual aim of those who hold to differing political beliefs, so that all may work for the good of our beloved country and for Thy glory. Amen.
*Note: To see the final version of this prayer, visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library website.
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