Jonathan Trumbull (1740-1809); Trumbull was a soldier and statesman from Connecticut. He served as paymaster/comptroller of the treasury for the American army (1775-80); aide-de-camp to General George Washington (1780-83); U.S. Congressman (1789-95) Speaker of the House (1791-95); U.S. Senator (1795); Lieutenant-Governor of Connecticut (1796-98); and Governor of Connecticut (1798-1809). His father, also named Jonathan (1710-1785), was a minister and statesman who was a close friend of General Washington and the only colonial governor to ardently support the American Revolution.
Following is the text of a proclamation for a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer issued by Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of Connecticut. This proclamation was issued on February 20, 1807 proclaiming March 27, 1807 the day of fasting for the state.
By His Excellency
Governor and Commander in Chief in and Over the State of
WHEN we seriously consider the Being and Perfections of God, with our
relation to and dependence on Him, as our Great Creator, Preserver and Benefactor;-and
when we reflect on the Evil of our Ways, and the folly of our Conduct towards
the Author of our Being and of all our Mercies,-we should be humbled in the
Dust before our God, for our sinful Ingratitude and unworthiness:-We have
reason to cry out with the humble Publican, “God be merciful to us Sinners.”
WITH these Impressions I have thought proper to appoint, and I do hereby appoint Friday the Twenty-Seventh Day of March next, to be observed as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer throughout this State. And I do hereby call upon the people of all denominations of Religion, devoutly and solemnly to keep said Day and appropriate it as a Day of special religious service, devoted to God in solemn Duties of penitential acknowledgment of their Sins, private and social, against the Divine Will and government: and while lamenting their Sins, and forming sincere and humble resolutions of new Obedience, may they be solicitous to keep the Day in such manner as may be acceptable to God, and prove of lasting benefit in their future Lives and Conduct. At the same time it will become us humbly to reflect upon and seriously to consider the Judgments of the Lord, which in various ways, at this time, seem peculiarly abroad in the Earth; and endeavor to search out the procuring causes of God’s singular Displeasure. “When the Lord ariseth to shake terribly the Earth,” may the People return to their God. “It may be we shall be hid in the Day of the Lord’s fierce anger.”
And while performing the Duties of Repentance for past Offences, and forming devout resolutions for future Lives of Obedience, let us offer to our Almighty and all-gracious God, through our Great Mediator, our sincere and solemn Prayers for his Divine Assistance and the Influences of His Holy Spirit; that God may freely pardon all our Sins and strengthen our resolutions of future Obedience; that He will give us an Interest in the Covenant of Mercy through our Divine Redeemer; and that in addition to these unspeakable Blessings of His Grace, our God will mercifully grant us all those temporal Favors which he may see convenient and best for us. -And let us particularly and devoutly supplicate the Divine Favor and Influence on our public and private Interests: that God will be pleased to bless and guide the President of the United States in all his important duties; that our God will mercifully preside over all our national and state Councils at this critical and eventful period: that our public Rulers may be enlightened in and led to a just discernment and ardent pursuit of the public Interest, as relates to our internal concerns and external relations: that God will mercifully preserve our country from internal Confusion and civil Discord, and from external insult and aggression. -Also let us humbly entreat, That our God will bless us in the fruitfulness of the coming season: give us a continuance of Health in our Cities and in our Dwellings: succeed the Labors of the Husbandman: prosper our Commerce, Navigation and Fisheries: enlarge our Manufactures, and give success to our various lawful arts and industrious enterprise: smile on all our means of Learning and Science: bless and succeed a preached Gospel, and animate all its Ministers with the true spirit of their undertaking, and encourage their Hearts by a happy experience of their successful Labors: pray God to give Peace to contending Nations: cause that the peaceful Kingdom of Righteousness may be advanced in the World; and that the Gospel of our Lord and Savior may be extended throughout all the habitations of men.
All Servile Labor and Recreations on said Day are by Law forbidden.
GIVEN under my Hand at Lebanon in said State, this Twentieth Day of February,
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven-and of the
United State of America the Thirty-First
By His Excellency’s Command,
Samuel Wyllys, Secretary.
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