Samuel Cony held the office of the Governor of Maine from 1864-1867.He was a graduate of Brown university where he studied law. He held various offices including legislator, judge and Land Agent of the State followed by election as State Treasurer and Mayor of Augusta. His two elections as Governor were won by large majorities. Cony died on October 5, 1870.
By The Governor
A Proclamation
For A Day Of
Public Thanksgiving and Praise
In obedience to that usage having its origin in a profound sense of obligation and gratitude to the All Wise Power of human events, and hallowed by the most cherished associations, I do, by the advice of the Executive Council, appoint
The continuance of peace in our country while other nations have been afflicted with war; the exemption of our State from that fearful pestilence which have desolated other lands: the bountiful harvests which have crowned the labors of the husbandman, furnishing ample supplies of food for or people, banishing even the apprehension of famine, the cries of which are heard coming up from remote portions of the earth; the great prosperity attending all the varied pursuits of life; the rapid recovery of our country from the wounds of a frightful civil war; the continuance of the blessings of education and the freedom of religious worship; and the manifest purpose of the people this country under sore disappointment that manhood of every complexion and clime shall be recognized within its domain, and impartial justice assured to all, are pregnant causes for thanks and praise.
I therefore invite the citizens of this State to unite according to the custom of our fathers with prayer and anthem to commemorate the return of this festival day, remembering from their abundance the poor and distressed in our midst, to invoke the continuance of Divine Favor and the pardon of our transgressions through the grace of our Lord and Saviour.
By His Excellency The Governor,
EPHRAIM FLINT, Secretary of State.
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