This is the text of a Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer issued by John Langdon, a signer of the United States Constitution, while he was serving as governor of New Hampshire. This proclamation was issued on October 10, 1805 and the day of Thanksgiving was to be November 28, 1805.
It has been customary for the citizens of this state, at the recommendations of the supreme executive authority, to set apart a certain day near the close of the year for the purpose of publicly recognizing their dependence upon Almighty God for protection, and that they might express their gratitude to Him for all blessings and mercies received and implore a continuance of them;- I therefore, in conformity to this laudable and long established practice, do by and with the advice of the council, appoint THURSDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT to be observed as a day of PUBLIC THANKSGIVING AND PRAYER throughout this state, hereby exhorting the people of all sects and denominations to assemble with their pastors and religious teachers, at their respective places of public worship on that day, and devote a reasonable part thereof in praising and adoring Almighty God, and in offering up our thanks to Him as the great author of every good and perfect gift, for the many favors that he has been pleased to bestow upon us as individuals during the past year; as also fro the gracious exercise of his guardian care over the great and general concerns of our common country. That although the earth has been visited by a severe and early drought, yet that by his blessing we are favored with a competency of the fruits of the field, for the supplies of another year. That we have not been afflicted with those contagious diseases that have visited some of the cities of our sister states, but have enjoyed a general measure of health.
That the life and health of the President of the United States have been preserved; that our civil and religious liberties are secure; and that no internal causes have occurred to disturb the peace and harmony of our land. For the termination of our contest with one of the African powers; the liberation of our fellow-citizens from bondage, and their restoration to the arms of their country, and the sweets of liberty. For his smiles on our commerce, navigation and fisheries, and for that prosperity that has generally prevailed. But above all, for the inestimable blessings of the gospel of peace and salvation, the means of grace and hopes of future glory, through the merits of a crucified Savior.
And while our mouths are filled with praise and thanksgiving, let us supplicate our heavenly benefactor, that he would penetrate our hearts as well with a due sense of his goodness, as of our own unworthiness, and continue to us all the blessings that we now enjoy, and bestow upon us all such addition favors as may be for our good. That he would be pleased to keep the government of the United States under his protection; bless our nations in all its internal and external concerns, and inspire all in authority with wisdom, and with a patriotic regard to its welfare and honor. That he would command the pestilence that now scourges some of the cities of our country to cease its desolations, and make those cities rejoice in the return of health, and in the mercies of the Lord. That he would particularly keep this state under his holy and superintending care, smile upon its agriculture, commerce, and fisheries, and bless the labors of the laborer in every walk and department of life. That he would cherish our university, our academies and schools, and all our institutions for promoting improvements in knowledge, usefulness, and virtue. That he would preside in all our courts and inspire those who make, and those who administer the laws, with his divine wisdom; and make every branch of our civil government sub serve the best interests of the people. That he would bless the means used for the promulgation of his word, and make pure religion and morality more and more abound. And it is hereby earnestly recommended that all persons abstain from labor and recreation unbecoming the solemnities of the day.
Given at the council chamber in Portsmouth, this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five, and of the independence of the United States of America, the thirtieth.
By His Excellency’s Command, with advice of council.
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