This proclamation was issued by Rhode Island’s lieutenant-governor, Isaac Wilbour on November 3, 1806 as printed in the Newport Mercury. It was proclaiming a day of Thanksgiving and Praise on November 27, 1806.
Lieutenant Governor of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence-Plantations.
WHEREAS the General Assembly of the State aforesaid, on the First day of November inst. passed the following Resolutions, to wit:
“WHEREAS all men are sharers in the bounties of GOD: it is therefore their duty to acknowledge, with humility, their sense of His goodness, and with grateful hearts to render to Him their thanks for the same.
“Resolved, That it be recommended to the people of this State, to observe THURSDAY, the Twenty-seventh day of November inst. as a day of PUBLIC THANKSGIVING and PRAISE: That they unite in rendering thanks to the Great Father of all for their being, preservation, and redemption; for their exemption from the miseries of war, to which other nations, less favored at this time exposed; for the means of education, and religious improvement, which they enjoy; for the possession of their liberty; for the privilege of equal laws; for the fruitfulness of the season; and for the health of the people: And to entreat that He would continue to look upon them with an eye of favor: That He would bless the officers of the government of the United States, and of each particular State: That He would give us Grace, duly to appreciate the blessings of a free government, happily administered, and to be duly sensible of the evils that would result from divisions among us: — That He would take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from union and concord: That as there is but one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, and one GOD and Father of us all; so we may henceforth be all of one heart, united in one bond of truth, peace and charity: That He would preserve us against wars from abroad, from wasting sickness, and from the commission of any thing which might offend against His holy Law; and with deep humility and contrition to confess their manifold sins and transgressions.
“Resolved, That it be recommended to the people of the State, to refrain on the said day from all servile labor, and unbecoming recreation.
“Resolved, That his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor be requested to issue his Proclamation, for making public these Resolutions, in the customary manner.”
I DO THEREFORE, pursuant to the above recited Resolutions, issue this Proclamation, to make known the same, that the good people of the State may conform thereto, agreeably to the true intent and meaning thereof.
Given under my hand, and the seal of the said State, at Providence, the third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six, and of Independence the thirty first.
By his Honor’s command,
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