State of New Hampshire.
By the Governor,
A Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving.
Gratitude to God, whose power upholds, and whose bounty surrounds us with innumerable sources of enjoyment and of happiness, is our obvious duty as intelligent and dependent beings.
That opportunity may be afforded us publicly and united to cultivate dispositions of heart correspondent to our obligations to the Divine Goodness; to render to our Supreme Benefactor an affectionate tribute of thanks and praise; to acknowledge our past ingratitude, humbly implore the pardon of our sins and the continuance of His parental kindness; it has been thought fit to appoint, and with the advice of the Council, I do hereby appoint, Thursday the twenty-eighth day of November next, to be observed as a day of prayer and thanksgiving throughout this State.
I recommend to the ministers and people of every religious persuasion to assemble on that day in their respective places of public worship and unite in devout and humble acknowledgments to Almighty God for the many favors, personal, civil, and religious, which we enjoy from His Goodness; That the past year has been peculiarly distinguished by His Mercy and Beneficence; That health has diffused its blessing generally throughout the State; That the earth has repaid the labors of husbandry with an abundant increase; That all the pursuits of our industry have been favored with success; and that Providence has bountifully bestowed and continued to us all that variety of good, which is adapted to sustain and extend our individual and social happiness; That a free and enlightened Government continues to afford the most perfect security to our civil and religious rights; and that with the enjoyment of liberty we possess the means of knowledge and the inestimable instructions of divine Revelation, which clearly communicate our duty to God and man, and disclose to us the path to temporal felicity and future happiness.
Whilst we render thanks to our Heavenly Father for his mercies, let us penitently confess our sins, seek his compassion and forgiveness, and humbly pray, that He would direct us in the performance of our duties; That He would guide all men to the knowledge of the truth, and cause the religion of the Gospel to be every where known and obeyed; That its benign and holy doctrines may so influence the hearts of men as to restrain every vicious inclination, and unfold and strengthen every virtuous and pious affection; That ignorance and vice, tyranny and superstition may ever where give place to knowledge and virtue, to liberty and pure religion; That he would prosper our seminaries of learning, and all our means of education; give success to our laudable pursuits, and continue to us the enjoyment of health and prosperity; That He would beneficently regard the Government of our State and Nation, and direct them to such measures, as may preserve the purity of our institutions, and continue to our remotest posterity the blessings which flow from liberty connected with knowledge, virtue and piety.
The people of this State are requested to abstain from all unnecessary labor, and from recreation unbecoming the occasion.
Given at the Council Chamber at Concord, this twenty-eighth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States the forty-seventh.
Samuel Bell.
By His Excellency’s Command, with Advice of Council.
[signed] Richard Bartlett
Deputy Secretary
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