WHEREAS, the Christian traditions upon which our nation was founded have greatly influenced the lives of generations of Americans and the development of our society; and
WHEREAS, these traditions are bolstered by ideals vital to our individual happiness and collective good; and
WHEREAS, these traditions stress the importance of family, religion, personal and societal responsibility, humane and just values and the equality of all men before God and before the law; and
WHEREAS, great men and women throughout the history of the United States (exemplified by the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock in 1620) have turned to their religious beliefs not only for their own comfort, strength and inspirational guidance, but to embolden them in their efforts to promote liberty and opportunity for all people; and
WHEREAS, today’s culture makes it difficult for mothers and fathers to impart to their children the moral traditions that will enrich their growing years and help them become responsible, productive adults; and
WHEREAS, we must uphold the traditions that have for centuries been our nation’s strength, for in remembering and celebrating our religious past we can more faithfully strive for a vibrant spiritual future; and
WHEREAS, once again this year, citizens from coast to coast will be joining in celebration of Christian Heritage Week to rededicate themselves to the tenets of Christian teaching that have helped make America the greatest nation in the world.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tehama does hereby proclaim November 21-27, 1993 as Christian Heritage Week in Tehama County and urge all citizens to appropriately celebrate this observance with reverence for the beliefs they cherish and thanks for the blessings in their lives.
Proclaimed this 16thday of November, 1993.
Floyd A. Hicks, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
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