To all whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye that this official recognition is presented to all observing
Christian Heritage Week
November 20-26, 2022
Centuries ago, our forefathers stood upon the shores of the New World with the express desire to create a free and godly society. From them grew a people who embraced liberty, and the radical experiment in self-government more that a hundred years later was based on this timeless principles of Christianity.
To a great extent, the Enlightenment thinking that paved the way for American democracy was but an outgrowth of ancient Christian thought. An unmistakable Christian Heritage is woven into the history of our nation in the writings and accomplishments of such renowned Americans as William Bradford, George Washington, Abigail and John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln, and countless others. then, as now, Americans have recognized that our rights come not from the state but from the Almighty, and our founders went so far as to declare this truth self-evident and irrefutable. Our founding documents, which enshrine these timeless principles, have served as templates for free societies the world over.
Each year, a week is set aside to acknowledge the impact that Christianity has had on our history. Let us celebrate this proud heritage and renew our commitment to our higher purpose. Faith has made America the strongest, freest and most prosperous society in human history, so as you celebrate Christian Heritage Week, I join you in prayer and thanksgiving.
First Lady Cecilia Abbot joins in wishing you the best.
In testimony whereof, I have signed my name and caused the Seal of the State of Texas to be affixed at the City of Austin, this the 28th day of October, 2022.
Greg Abbott
Governor of Texas
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