Christmas Greetings
As 1950 ebbs to its close our hearts turn once more to Bethlehem and to the coming of a little child, the Divine Infant that brought love to a weary world. This is the season of love – the season wherein our thoughts are of the love of friends, the love of home, the love of children, the love of all those little half remembered things which, although they make up the best portion of our days, are too often forgotten in the distractions of troublous times.
We need Christmas to bring us back to a due sense of spiritual values.
And so at this blessed season we are thinking of those faithful members of the White House staff who, day in and day out, have so quietly and with such obtrusive efficiency performed their tasks and by their continuous and often unnoticed labors, lightened our cares and added pleasure to our lives.
May Christmas Day be a day of joy to each and every one.
It is not possible for us personally to know all those to whom we owe so deep a debt of gratitude. But to each we send this heartfelt message of affection and appreciation.
May the Star of Bethlehem, which came so mysteriously and lingered so briefly, shine in our hearts and light our way to joy and peace even as it directed the steps of the Wise Men to the Manger in the City of David in the long ago.
And may we, too, hear the song which the Angel Choir sand on the night of the first Christmas: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, good will toward men.”
Harry Truman
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