WHEREAS, the Preamble to the Constitution of West Virginia declares, “Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we the people of West Virginia…reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God…”; and,
WHEREAS, the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of West Virginia guarantees religious freedom; and the “Sundays excepted” provision of Article 7 Chapter 14 historically recognizes Sunday as a day of rest and worship; and,
WHEREAS, for many West Virginians, public school days began with a daily Pledge of Allegiance, and the state song, The West Virginia Hills, contains the lyrics, “With their summits bathed in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel’s land!”; and
WHEREAS, the influence of Christianity in West Virginia is evident by her many churches and Christian charities, ministries, missions, and schools; cherished Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving holiday seasons; and a willingness of Mountaineers to love they neighbor as thyself; and
WHEREAS, Thanksgiving week is an appropriate time to center attention on our thanks to Almighty God for God’s great and good providence and for the Christian faith, which is part of West Virginia’s and America’s history.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ron Justice, Mayor of the City of Morgantown, West Virginia, do hereby proclaim November 19th through 25th, 2006, as
in the City of Morgantown and encourage all citizens to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate,each in their own way, the heritage of our great state where are motto is Mountaineers Are Always Free.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and caused the Official Seal of the City of Morgantown, West Virginia, to be affixed hereto on this 8th day November, 2006.
Ron Justice, Mayor
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