Alaska 1994


Executive Proclamation


Walter J. Hickel, Governor

Alaska has been richly blessed in natural beauty, reflecting God’s miracle of creation. The importance of our Christian heritage to the traditions and values of our state is immeasurable. Religious holidays, festivals, and celebrations add to the cultural and spiritual mosaic of our state and nation.

The Christian faith has been historically documented as a foundational influence on the inception, formation, structure, and culture of our nation. It is important that our children learn the complete history of our nation, including the historical Christian heritage, from the establishment of our nation to the present date. It is recorded in the accomplishments of such renowned individuals as Christopher Columbus, William Bradford, George Washington, John Hancock, Abigail Adams, Noah Webster, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson.

The community Christian church also serves a vital function in binding folks together and providing crucial education and charitable services. Teaching future generation of our state the all important role of Christian heritage is of concern to citizens of all faiths.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter J. Hickel, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim November 20-26, 1994, as:


and encourage all Alaskans to reflect upon this foundation of our nation.

DATED: August 3, 1994

Done by Walter J. Hickel, Governor who has also authorized the seal  of the State of Alaska to be affixed to this proclamation.

Alaska 1993


Executive Proclamation


Walter J. Hickel, Governor

Alaska has been richly blessed in natural beauty, reflecting God’s miracle of creation. The importance of our Christian heritage to the traditions and values of our state is immeasurable. Religious holidays, festivals, and celebrations add to the cultural and spiritual mosaic of our state and nation.

The Christian faith has historically documented as a foundational influence on the inception, formation, structure, and culture of our nation. It is important that our children learn the complete history of our nation, including the historical Christian heritage, from the establishment of our nation to the present date. It is recorded in the accomplishments of such renowned individuals as Christopher Columbus, William Bradford, George Washington, John Hancock,, Abigail Adams, Noah Webster, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson.

The community Christian church also serves a vital function in binding folks together and providing crucial education and charitable services. Teaching future generation of our state the all important role of Christian heritage is of concern to citizens of all faiths.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter J. Hickel, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim November 21-17, 1993, as:


and encourage all Alaskans to reflect upon this foundation of our nation.

DATED: November 9, 1993

DONE BY Walter J. Hickel, Governor who has also authorized the seal of the State of Alaska to be affixed to this proclamation.

Alaska 1992


Executive Proclamation


Walter J. Hickel, Governor

Alaska has been richly blessed in natural beauty, reflecting God’s miracle of creation. The importance of Christian heritage to the traditions and values of our state is immeasurable.

Religious holidays, festivals, and celebrations have brought welcome respite from weary labor, as well as renewed respect and meaning for nature’s seasons of change.

The community church serves a vital function in binding folks together and providing crucial education and charitable services. Teaching future generations of our state the all important role of Christian heritage is of concern to citizens of all faiths.

NOW, THEREFORE,  I, Walter J. Hickel, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim November 22 through 28, 1992, as:


in Alaska, and urge all Alaskan’s to reflect upon this foundation of our nation.

DATED: July 2, 1992


Walter J. Hickel, Governor who has also authorized the seal of the State of Alaska to be affixed to this proclamation.