November 11th, Veteran’s Day, is the day America has set aside to remember and honor those who have been part of our Armed Forces.
As the Supreme Commander of the Allied troops in Europe, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s bold leadership on the beaches of Normandy during the D-Day invasion of France gained the admiration of the nation. This popularity would later contribute to the slogan “I like Ike” and he was eventually elected and inaugurated as America’s 34th President.
While many Americans today are familiar with General Eisenhower, few know much about his strong faith. For example, the day before his presidential inauguration in 1953, he wrote his own inaugural prayer, which he personally delivered the next day, dedicating himself before God to the service of the people.
During his presidency, he signed into law the bill that added the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance, established the National Prayer Breakfast, made “In God We Trust” the national motto, placed “In God We Trust” on paper currency and not just coinage, and a Congressional Prayer Room was added to the U. S. Capitol.
An inspirational account of God’s providential intervention in the life of a young Dwight Eisenhower was published and distributed nationally during his presidency, and was even circulated during his presidential campaign.
General Eisenhower is one of America’s better known veterans, but the others are no less important. So please take the time to find veterans around you and thank them for their service, and their willingness to sacrifice so much to preserve liberty for all of us.
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