Charlie Duke landed on the moon with the Apollo 16 mission in April 1972. He is one of only 12 people who have ever walked on the moon.
This handwritten letter from June 13, 2001 declares how his relationship with Christ was even more significant than his remarkable and momentous walk on the moon. (You can also listen an interview with Charlie Duke through the WallBuilders Show.)
June 13, 2001
This is my God – the one who does not forget a single sparrow and tells us that we are each worth more than many sparrows. This is my God – the one who has numbered every hair on our head and the one who lovingly clothes the lilies of the filed (Luke 12:6-7, 28).
This is the Lord I love and serve. This is the Lord who transformed my life. This is the Lord who restored my marriage.
I used to say I could live ten thousand years and never have an experience as thrilling as walking on the moon. But the excitement and satisfaction of that walk doesn’t begin to compare with my walk with Jesus, a walk that lasts forever.
I thought that Apollo 16 would be my crowning glory but the crown that Jesus gives will not tarnish or fade away. This crown will last throughout all eternity (see 1 Corinthians 9:25).
Not everyone has the opportunity to walk on the moon, but everybody has the opportunity to walk with the Son. It costs billions of dollars to send us to the moon but walking with Jesus is free – this gift of God. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Charlie Duke
Apollo 16 Moonwalker
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