Christians and Voting
Should Christians vote? What should they consider when voting? Find out in these videos!
Elections with David & Tim Barton (USB Thumb Drive)
Register to Vote
Are you registered to vote? If you’re not, click here and click on your state to register and make your voice heard this year.
Know the Candidates and Issues
So, how do we elect righteous leaders?
Obtain a sample ballot from your county. Many times they are available on the county’s election website.
Pray and ask God to give you wisdom. Recognize that there are no perfect humans, therefore no perfect candidate, but God can use even imperfect people to perform His will.
Examine the candidates to see where they stand on the issues compared to what the Bible says about those same issues. (Valuing what God values even in voting reveals priorities. God created 613 laws in the Old Testament, but specifically gave Moses His “Top Ten” list in Exodus 20. Issues surrounding life, marriage, and property are found in God’s “Top Ten” list. You can also find political/governmental matters regarding religious freedom, self-defense, taxes, etc. throughout the Old and New Testaments.)
Prioritize God’s values when voting. Consider the candidates’ positions compared to God’s “Top Ten” list. Thus, protecting unborn life and preserving Biblical gender standards are more important than problems like taxes or highway construction. Whether a candidate is running for school board or President of the United States, look for his or her record on Biblical morality and religious liberty issues as the best indicator of how each will act on every other issue.
Research candidates to know what they believe. You can learn about what candidates believe in many ways: check their websites about key issues or simply call their campaigns and ask and check with your politically-active Christian neighbors or friends about certain candidates and their beliefs. A candidate’s endorsements may also tell you a lot. For example, are they being endorsed by National Right to Life or Reproductive Freedom for All? Additionally, you can check out to find voter guides on many candidates and issues.
Vote Biblical values, not personal preference!
Click here to track Federal legislation and find out how your Congressman and Senators are voting.
Sites like On The Issues provide a wealth of non-partisan information on voting and candidates (including biographies, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and interest group ratings). Another way to access voter information for your state is to use a search engine (i.e., google, bing, or yahoo) and type in “voter guide” or “voter information” along with key words like “pro-family” or “Christian” and the name of your state. Also check out our article on Steps for Viewing Candidates Scorecards!
Voting Guides
Visit for information on elections in specific states!
Resources for Pastors & Churches
This article and this article from the IRS lists activities that are and are not permissible for 501(c)(3) incorporated churches.
Liberty Counsel provides this very useful chart regarding what pastors and churches can do politically. (For more information from Liberty Counsel see this link and these resources.)
First Liberty has the following resources:
A Christian Voter Intimidation Letter from Americans United for Separation of Church and State is an example of efforts to intimidate Christians and churches from being involved in the election process. This article examines a letter regularly sent to pastors and churches, which attempts to intimidate them. WallBuilders takes this letter and crosses out the factually incorrect editorial comments designed to intimidate and leaves only the verified information intact.
WallBuilders Election Resources
Collection of the Founding Fathers’ quotes on voting here.
The Role of Pastors & Christians in Civil Government documents the historic role people of faith played in our government.
The 2024 Election Survey includes Christian voting statistics prior to the 2024 general election.