WHEREAS, throughout the history of our country, prayer has been recognized by our leaders in times of war and peace as a vital part of maintaining a strong national character, and necessary to procure the blessings of a just and benevolent God upon our government and people; and
WHEREAS, the first national Thanksgiving Proclamation was put forth by Samuel Adams as a “National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer” and was observed by Washington’s army in the snowy fields of Valley Forge; and
WHEREAS, the observance of prayer encourages Americans to affirm our nation’s spiritual roots, to acknowledge dependence on God and to enlist prayer for local, state and national leaders; and
WHEREAS, it is certainly fitting and proper that we in Louisiana observe a time when all in our communities may acknowledge our many blessings and express gratitude to God for them while recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our land; and
WHEREAS, it is important that we remember the need to stand in the grace of God every day and we should acknowledge the need to pray for our leaders in government; and
WHEREAS, a time should be set aside to focus on the wisdom of God in the heritage of the United States and the intention of our founding fathers that the counsel of God be always deeply rooted in our makeup and progress as a nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDWIN W. EDWARDS, Governor of the State of Louisiana, do hereby proclaim November 19 through November 25, 1995 as CHRISTIAN HERITAGE WEEK in the State of Louisiana, and encourage all citizens to acknowledge and appreciate the religious heritage of our great state and nation.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand officially and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Louisiana, at the Capitol, in the City of Baton Rouge, on this The 20th day of March A.D. 1995.
Attest By
The Governor
Governor of Louisiana
Fox McKeithen
Secretary of State
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