State of New York
Executive Chamber
Whereas, during the week of May 4-10, 2003, the Annual Christian Heritage Week observance will be celebrated in communities across our State and Nation; throughout the history of our country, Americans have invoked the tenets of their faith to sustain them in all areas of their lives; this occasion offers citizens the opportunity to join in recognizing the enduring values and religious principles upon which many of our Nation’s founders looked for guidance; and
Whereas, September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as a day that irrevocably changed the face of our State and Nation and that brought profound realization of the preciousness of life; as our Nation’s armed forces serve to preserve and protect the values upon it is built, we all are compelled to reflect upon the benefits of freedom and democracy, and those priorities we hold highest—family, friends and the communities from which we derive our strength; and
Whereas, as citizens who have historically shared a broad consensus of religiously inspired values and an enduring belief in religious freedom, this observance is testimony to an increased acknowledgement of the long and venerable role that Christianity has played in the history of our country; it also underscores the well-documented foundational influence that Christian philosophy and ideals have had on many great men and women whose named are emblazoned upon the illustrious pages of American history; and
Whereas, inspired by the fervent words of many of our national leaders and other prominent individuals who have helped advance the progress and growth of our country, the observance of Christian Heritage Week focuses on youth-oriented activities to increase awareness and appreciation among young people for the strong historical foundations and religious ideals upon which our Nation was founded; and
Whereas, it is fitting that the Eighth Annual Christian Heritage Week is celebrated, providing a means by which many of our citizens can give expression to their religious faith and heritage;
Now, Therefore, I, George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby recognize May 4-10, 2003 as
in the Empire State.
George E. Pataki
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