New York 2003

State of New York

Executive Chamber

Whereas, during the week of May 4-10, 2003, the Annual Christian Heritage Week observance will be celebrated in communities across our State and Nation; throughout the history of our country, Americans have invoked the tenets of their faith to sustain them in all areas of their lives; this occasion offers citizens the opportunity to join in recognizing the enduring values and religious principles upon which many of our Nation’s founders looked for guidance; and

Whereas, September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as a day that irrevocably changed the face of our State and Nation and that brought profound realization of the preciousness of life; as our Nation’s armed forces serve to preserve and protect the values upon it is built, we all are compelled to reflect upon the benefits of freedom and democracy, and those priorities we hold highest—family, friends and the communities from which we derive our strength; and

Whereas, as citizens who have historically shared a broad consensus of religiously inspired values and an enduring belief in religious freedom, this observance is testimony to an increased acknowledgement of the long and venerable role that Christianity has played in the history of our country; it also underscores the well-documented foundational influence that Christian philosophy and ideals have had on many great men and women whose named are emblazoned upon the illustrious pages of American history; and

Whereas, inspired by the fervent words of many of our national leaders and other prominent individuals who have helped advance the progress and growth of our country, the observance of Christian Heritage Week focuses on youth-oriented activities to increase awareness and appreciation among young people for the strong historical foundations and religious ideals upon which our Nation was founded; and

Whereas, it is fitting that the Eighth Annual Christian Heritage Week is celebrated, providing a means by which many of our citizens can give expression to their religious faith and heritage;

Now, Therefore, I, George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby recognize May 4-10, 2003 as


in the Empire State.

George E. Pataki


New York 2000

State of New York

Executive Chamber

WHEREAS, during the week of May 7-13, 2000, the Annual Christian Heritage Week observance will be celebrated in communities across our State and Nation; throughout the history of our country, Americans have invoked the tenets of their faith to sustain them in all areas of their lives; this occasion offers citizens the opportunity to join in recognizing the enduring moral values and religious principles upon which many of our Nation’s founders looked for guidance; and

WHEREAS, as citizens who historically shared a board consensus of religiously inspired values and an enduring belief in religious freedom, this observance is testimony to an increased acknowledgement of the long and venerable role that Christianity has in the history of our country; it also underscores the well-documented foundational influence of the Christian heritage upon many great men and women, whose eminent names are emblazoned upon the illustrious pages of American history; and

WHEREAS, inspired by the fervent words of many of our national leaders and other renowned individuals who have helped advance the course of growth and progress of America, the sponsors of Christian Heritage Week encourage a special focus on youth-oriented activities to increase awareness and appreciation among young people of the strong historical foundations and religious ideals upon which our Nation was founded: and

WHEREAS, it is fitting that the Fifth Annual Christian Heritage Week observance be recognized for highlighting the historical and social significance of Christianity in our Nation’s past and present, as many of our citizens give expression to their religious faith and heritage;

NOW, THEREFORE, I George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby recognize May 7-13, 2000 as


in the Empire State.

 George E. Pataki


New York 1996



The Christian faith has been historically documented as a foundational influence on the inception, formation, structure and culture of our nation. Our Founding Fathers believed that obedience to a Sovereign Lord was imperative in order for our nation to prosper and endure.

The Christian heritage is visible in the lives and accomplishments of such notable Americans as George Washington, John Hancock, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, William Bradford, Abigail Adams, Noah Webster, Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. The Christian influence upon the entire world is likewise profound, to the extent that we reckon time from the moment of the birth of the Son of God.

It is important that our children learn the complete history of our country, including its Christian heritage and the impact of Christianity from the time of our nation’s establishment to present day. It is fitting that we join in acknowledging the past and present relevance of Christianity in the formation of our country and in many facets of American life as we know it.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby recognize November 24 – 30, 1996 as CHRISTIAN HERITAGE WEEK in the Empire State.


George E. Pataki,


New York 1995



The Christian heritage of our nation is recognized in the writings and accomplishments of our citizens and in public documents and utterances made by many prominent Americans, including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Patrick Henry.

The history of the Christian faith and traditions of our people is reflected in practices in our public institutions and by our government officials.

The importance of our Christian heritage to our institutions’ values and vision is invaluable and teaching future generations the all-important role of Christian heritage is meaningful to peoples of all faiths, with our churches serving a vital function in binding citizens together and providing crucial education and charitable services.

Thanksgiving week, traditionally a time to give thanks for our many blessings, has been designated as a time to celebrate Christian heritage.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby recognize November 19-25, 1995 as CHRISTIAN HERITAGE WEEK.

George E. Pataki,